Peace: Be Still


Peace: Be Still

3 Chapter Study with Video Lessons, English and Spanish Scripture Writing and Copywork

Introduction: Peace on earth. Oh, how we need it. Everyone is for peace—virtually no one stands opposed to it.

Merriam-Webster defines peace as “freedom from civil disturbance” and “freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions.”

When I read that, I thought, well, that’s a pretty big definition! Freedom from disquieting thoughts? Can anyone say “pandemic”? Is it possible to go for any length of time without noticing the totally disquieting headlines or hearing bad news from panic-pushing media outlets? After all, our minds are a battlefield. The devil loves to aim the darts of panic and “what-ifs” at us…and if our minds are not stayed on Christ, we entertain thoughts that steal our peace and rob us of joy.

Looking around, it’s clear that for all our striving, the peace the world is so desperate for remains elusive and fickle. The biblical warning of “wars and rumors of wars” seems to be our everyday reality—and not just on the world stage. We’re a people at war with ourselves: in the Church, in our marriages, with our families, and with our communities. And don’t even get me started with the lack of political peace!

While the world struggles to find the “peace” that people try to create, God offers a safe-harbor.

While our universities try to explain peace from a secular point of view, God offers a step-by-step guide on what peace is and how we can have it.

While world religions claim that peace is found in meditation and the worship of dead leaders and idols, the living God says peace is a person—and His name is Jesus. The birth of Jesus brought a true peace into the world. Because of Jesus, we have access to lasting peace.

The peace of God is a peace that passes understanding. (Philippians 4:7) The world can’t access it, and therefore, they can’t grasp how we can be at peace no matter what is happening around us. The peace of God is not constrained by our circumstances. It’s the unmistakable sign of the presence of God at work in our lives. It’s a fruit of the Spirit—it’s a gift.

This month, we’re going to take a look at why and how we can live in the “perfect” peace of God. The world may be in panic mode—but thanks to Jesus, the children of the living God don’t have to be.

Let’s walk in the peace of God together,


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