Hebrews: A Promise Fulfilled


Hebrews: A Promise Fulfilled

4 Chapter Study with Video Lessons, English and Spanish Scripture Writing and Copywork

Introduce: English For those who placed their faith in Jesus, the first century was a time of uproar. This was especially true for believers who had grown up in the Jewish faith, living with the ancient promise of a Messiah. Suddenly, as they realized the times that they were living in, they also realized that they were in conflict with their own community of faith, the people who had worshiped beside them for years. Some lived outside of Israel in Greco-Roman areas, which meant they were also at odds with the greater culture.

These believers, alien to everyone and constantly having to defend their faith, needed a rock-solid foundation based on scripture (which meant the Old Testament). They needed to be equipped to explain what they believed and why. They needed encouragement to persevere and hold fast to their beliefs in the face of persecution.

The letter to the Hebrews met all of these needs. Hebrews explains the gospel by extensively quoting the Old Testament. The light of the Messiah shines into the shadows of every priestly duty and sacrifice to reveal its meaning. As each detail is examined, Jesus emerges as a promise fulfilled. Finally, readers are encouraged to persevere in faith, both through admonishment and inspiring examples.

As you and I wait for the fulfillment of Jesus’ promised return, we can learn much from the book of Hebrews.

Join me as we study Jesus as Priest and King, learning how to wait for Him in faith.

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