Acts: The Dynamis of God


Acts: The Dynamis of God (Complete Study)

8 Chapter Study with Video Lessons, English and Spanish Scripture Writing and Copywork

Introduction: When I look back over the last two years, words like “power” and “certainty” are not the first to come to mind. In fact, this has been a time of great uncertainty about many things.

This month, we will pass the two year anniversary of an event that no one wants to celebrate: the beginning of the first quarantine and lockdowns in the United States.

The book of Acts describes another time of great upheaval. The disciples had just watched Jesus ascend to heaven. I can only imagine the shock they were experiencing. These men were ready for a great military victory and a high place in an earthly kingdom; instead, they watched the crucifixion of their leader. His resurrection brought great hope…and then they watched the sky as He left them, telling them to remain in the city and wait on power from the Holy Spirit.

I’m sure they were wondering the same thing we have wondered often lately: “What next?”

As we start a two-month study of the book of Acts, we will learn what this early church discovered: certainty in a Jesus who is real and the great power of God displayed through the Holy Spirit. This power equipped them to be strong witnesses in a hostile culture and gave them the strength to stand as outcasts and obey God rather than men.

Sweet sister, we could use a little of that power today. Let’s dive into Acts and find the certainty of our living Savior and the power that He gives to stand in uncertain times.

Trusting in Him,

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